Ep.3 – Why It’s So Hard to Keep Weight Off (aka Your Set-Point Weight)

Smarter Science of Slim vs. Calorie Myths with Jonathan Bailor » podcasts show

Summary: Your metabolism automatically regulates your weight around a “set-point.” That set-point is why it seems like no matter how much you starve yourself or exercise, you generally end up weighing the same--long-term. It is why you can get the flu, drop 15lbs., but then gain exactly 15lbs. back without eating any more than normal or exercising any less than normal. It is also why obese people do not explode. I know the "explode" bit may sound silly, but think about it for a moment. Why don’t obese people continue to pack on pounds indefinitely? If the amount of food they ate and exercise they got raised them to 450lbs., why doesn’t it raise them to 4,500 pounds? Well, they somehow automatically stop gaining weight. How does that work under the the mythical Calories In – Calories Out metabolism works like math world? It doesn’t. In this episode we'll cover how weight gain works in the real world and what we can do about it.