Ep.23 – The Myth of Complexity

Smarter Science of Slim vs. Calorie Myths with Jonathan Bailor » podcasts show

Summary: - How remembering your ancestors and “going paelo” is a great way to stay SANE - How our ancestors stayed healthier and slimmer than we are today without going to gym or counting calories - How nobody is overweight nor sick because they have a raspberry ketone deficiency - How trying to stay slim while eating starches and sweets is like trying to avoid lung cancer while smoking - How anyone who makes health seem complex is likely more interested in making money than in helping you - How the most effective diet to fatten lab animals is basically today’s typical diet - How it is simple to avoid obesity, but it is not simple to look like a fitness model - How literally everything in our lives suffer if we eat inSANE foods - How going SANE in no way shape or form is about depriving yourself - How canning is fine for protein but not great for fruits or veggies - How to pick a SANE personal trainer - How to keep exercise as simple as possible - How to buy in bulk even if you aren’t feeding a large family - How to make SANE shopping easy and inexpensive - How to focus on foods that need to be refrigerated or frozen - How organic etc. is wonderful but shouldn’t ever deter you from being SANE