ONL021 – Holiday Gift Ideas

Our Natural Life show

Summary: Today's show is about gift-giving options that can transform lives. Many of them are tax-deductible. When your friends or family members already are blessed with all that they need, you may want to consider one of these options. We were inspired by Jon's daughter, Brigid Ashwood, who told us a couple of years ago before Christmas that she and her husband Ed did not want material things for the holidays but did encourage charitable giving in her honor. We've been moved to do this ever since. Show Links: Kiva - How Kiva Works Home - FINCA International Welcome to Rising Star Outreach Charitable Gift Giving that Makes a Difference | Heifer International The Story of Beatrice Biira About Membership in the Weston A. Price Foundation Drinking Water for India Sponsor A Child - World Vision Helping Women Survivors of War Rebuild Their Lives | Women for Women International Vitamin D Council | Understanding Vitamin D Cholecalciferol //Jon