ONL031 – Space Clearing and Energy Clearing

Our Natural Life show

Summary: In this episode we interview Melody LeBaron and her client, Archna Patel, about space clearing and personal clearing. We learn that these clearings clean away energetic debris that may be affecting your subtle body or space. Archna shares the dramatic changes that occurred in her life after the clearings. Melody shares a grounding meditation to practice in the morning and evening to help clear your personal space. The meditation is posted as a separate audio file in the Useful Links section or our website. Jon shares the link to the EXOGEN Ultrasound Bone Healing System he is using on his foot fracture. It is an ultrasound device that you apply directly to skin at the fracture site for 20 minutes a day. The system emits a low-intensity pulsed ultrasound signal which has been shown in laboratory tests to stimulate genes and growth factors that are critical to your body's natural bone healing process. Show Links; Transforming Space, Transforming Self Clear Home Clear Heart The Wisdom Of Your Face - Book SpaceClear - Harmony&Balance in Your Home, Work and Life Smith & Nephew | About EXOGEN //Jon