FA129 - The Secret To Saving Time & Money When Launching A Product Or Business

The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

Summary: AKA: Customer Development For The Rest Of Us Customer Development is a lean startup methodology that is transforming how tech companies create their products. It turns traditional product development on its head by focusing on identifying the core problems a market has before creating solutions. Said that way it seems logical — why would anyone make a solution and then try to find a problem for it to solve? Most entrepreneurs take the solution first approach to starting a business — it’s better known as Building a Better Mousetrap. Lots of businesses start with, “Wouldn’t this be cool?” or “I can do X better than those companies.” Well, the process of starting up has evolved and Johan and I decided to introduce you to Customer Development. We want to take non-tech companies into the process that is revolutionizing tech startups. To get more knowledge on the subject and to learn exactly how to put Customer Development into action check out these resources: Steve Blank The Startup Owner’s Manual The Four Steps To The Epiphany Eric Ries The Lean Startup Ash Maurya Running Lean Practice Trumps Theory Enjoy your Foolish Adventure