Lindsay Lohan -- Boozy Terror On Set?

TMZ Live show

Summary: Lindsay Lohan was boozing, driving erratically, and sobbing for mercy while shooting her movie "The Canyons" -- at least according to one report. We talk the movie's producer Braxton Pope to see if it's all true ... or just an unfair smear campaign. Plus, Britney Spears kisses off $15 MILLION -- turning down a 2nd season of 'X Factor' ... is she nuts to pass up the easy money?? Or is she just that rich? Yeah. She's rich. And, Beyonce says she can't fathom her own power -- and while most people think it's a ridiculous thing to say ... our guest and star of "A Haunted House" Marlon Wayans couldn't agree with her -- or her perfect butt -- more.