Show #035: Magic Brickamajig

Paul and Storm Talk About Some Stuff for Five to Ten Minutes (On Average) show

Summary: The thirty-fifthst episode of our podcast, Paul and Storm Talk About Some Stuff for Five to Ten Minutes (On Average), is now online. This week's episode: we're handy, both indoors and out; mattocks, yucca, injuries, and killing and eating one's enemies; alternate options for Paul's family room; Storm's history of the American tunic, the t-shirt; Paul forgets what year It Happened One Night was made, but presses on; the joy of the heat transfer; braces and glasses and pithy iron-on phrases; dirt bikes, resenting McDonalds and black Trans Ams. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ALERT: Tell us of your coveted t-shirts, preferably from your childhood. Featured post-show song: "Bubble Gum and Braces" - Bobby Sherman Show #035: Magic Brickamajig (Some content NSFW) Enjoy the podcast? Maybe donate, why don'tcha?