Episode Eight: Bobbi Newman

Circulating Ideas show

Summary: Steve speaks with Bobbi Newman who blogs at Librarian by Day, and is the founder and coordinator of the Library Day in the Life Project. Bobbi is dedicated to helping libraries find their place in the digital age. She is passionate about 21st century literacies and the role of all libraries in equal access and opportunity for all. Her professional interests include digital and technology based services, the digital divide, and improving existing services through expanding traditional methods, while creating innovative new practices. She shares her passions by consulting and speaking at local, national, and international conferences. Bobbi was named a Mover and Shaker by Library Journal in 2011. Her professional involvements and accomplishments include founding and coordinating the semi-annual Library Day in the Life Project. She is a frequent caller on T is for Training and a contributor and advocate at Library Renewal. In 2010, she co-founded the Transliteracy Interest Group, LITA, ALA, and currently serves as co-chair. Bobbi co-founded and writes for Libraries and Transliteracy Project. She was recently invited to be a contributor on the Transliteracy Research Group. She was appointed as the LITA representative on the ALA OITP Digital Literacy Task Force and serves as an ALA Councilor-at-Large and on the OITP Advisory Committee. SHOW NOTES: Librarian by Day Library Day in the Life wiki libday6: Ned Potter So you want to be a librarian by Lauren Pressley Meredith Farkas: Why I participated in Library Day in the Life GUARDIAN: Beyond books: what it takes to be a 21st century librarian #echolib 9 Reasons Publishers Should Stop Acting Like Libraries Are The Enemy and Start Thanking Them Mirghani, S. (2011). The War on Piracy: Analyzing the Discursive Battles of Corporate and Government-Sponsored Anti-Piracy Media Campaigns. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 28(2), 113-134. doi:10.1080/15295036.2010.514933 Piracy is not theft [graphic] Cory Doctorow ALA Press Release: "ALA alarmed at seizure of Occupy Wall Street library, loss of irreplaceable material" What IS a library?