
Circulating Ideas show

Summary: Steve speaks with John Chrastka, executive director of EveryLibrary, the PAC for libraries. EveryLibrary helps public, school, and college libraries win bonding, tax, and advisory referendum, ensuring stable funding and access to libraries for generations to come. EveryLibrary will be the first and only national organization dedicated exclusively to political action at a local level to create, renew, and protect public funding for libraries of all types. We will provide tactical and operational support to local voter awareness campaigns, seed and sustaining monies to local ballot committees and PACs, as well as conducting direct voter advocacy in support of library taxing, bonding, and referendum. EveryLibrary’s founder is John Chrastka, a long time library trustee, supporter, and advocate. Mr. Chrastka is a partner in AssociaDirect, a Chicago-based consultancy focused on supporting associations in membership recrutiment, conference, and goverance activities. He is also president of the Board of Trustees for the Berwyn (IL) Public Library (2006 – present) and is a former president of the Reaching Across Illinois Libraries System (RAILS) multi-type library system. Prior to his work at AssociaDirect, he was Director for Membership Development at the American Library Association (ALA), the world’s oldest and largest organization for librarians, library workers, supporters, and advocates. He is a current trustee member of ALA as well as in the Illinois Library Association (ILA), where he chairs the Fundraising Committee.