Success Unwrapped #041 - Dr. Stephen Kraus


Summary: “Online Meetings Made Easy with GoToMeeting! To try it Free for 45 days, use Promo Code Podcast” Welcome to a new episode of Success Unwrapped with Heather Vale, the weekly online radio talk show that unwraps and reveals the secrets of success! This week's special guest is Dr. Stephen Kraus, author, speaker, and one of the world's foremost success scientists. His teachings revolve around the real science of success, and "positive psychology". Dr. Kraus's books include Psychological Foundations of Success: A Harvard-Trained Scientist Separates the Science of Success from Self-Help Snake Oil, and his research is available on his Real Science of Success website. As with all SEASON 3 episodes of Success Unwrapped with Heather Vale, you get the first 1/3 of the interview FREE, right here! In this first segment with Steve, you'll discover what positive psychology is, why traditional psychology focuses on the negative, the difference between the real science of success and self-help snake oil, the truth about subliminal self-help tapes and goal setting, 5 characteristics of successful people and more! To unwrap the whole interview, which reveals why most people don't keep their New Year's resolutions, the kind of change you need for success, the power of belief and the 3 facets of belief, the relationship of fear, uncertainty and doubt to belief, and much more, just become a Success Unwrapped Member! It's not free, but it's about as close as you can get... and you'll get so much more than just the interviews, too! To PLAY the Show CLICK THE GREEN ARROW BUTTON BELOW: V V V V V