FFA Interviews #36 I Was A Meth-Head with Recovering Meth Addict, Bryan Matson


Summary: METH is one of the most dangerous and destructive drugs that you can take, and Joey and Steve wanted to learn more about it. To do they they invited Bryan Matson on the show to tell his story of addiction and recovery. Bryan was very open and honest about his meth use in attempts to help us educate people and prevent them from making the same mistakes as he made. Before the conversation starts, the topics of gun safety, Homeland Security drone aircraft flying around the dome in downtown Minneapolis and the end of the MN Vikings' season. Bryan's Facebook page "There's A Madness To My Method":https://www.facebook.com/madnessmethod?fref=ts MN Meth Help Site:http://www.dhs.state.mn.us/main/idcplg?IdcService=GET_DYNAMIC_CONVERSIONdDocName=id_058351RevisionSelectionMethod=LatestReleased National Meth Help Site:http://www.nationalmethhotline.com