"Feel and Look Fabulous with Irina" and Mary McGuire-Wien, owner of American Yogini

 Radio Show for Women: Feel and Look Fabulous with Irina Wardas  show

Summary: Ladies, take a break to have your "Me Time" with breathing, laughing, dancing while learning from Mary McGuire-Wien, an acclaimed Pilates and Yoga teacher and founder of the American Yogini Retreat in the Hamptons basic steps to SIMPLE DETOX / CLEANSE with JUICES.As for her book “The Seven Day Total Cleanse”, it is a revolutionary seven day juice fast that helps you shed weight and eliminate harmful toxins all while restoring your emotional and spiritual wellness. Author Mary McGuire-Wien has guided thousands of clients through this unique program, which uses nutrient rich juices, meditations, yoga and self care activities to cleanse the body,renew energy levels and refresh the mind and soul.