How to Design Your Own Diet

 Radio Show for Women: Feel and Look Fabulous with Irina Wardas  show

Summary: Sandra Ahten is a Diet, Life and Wellness coach and founder of Reasonable Diet. Trained as a Life Coach -- she teaches the skills of Top Down / Bottom Up Dieting -- The “top-down” is the “stuff” that needs to be dealt with when you are no longer acting out or stuffing your feelings with food – or just as significantly, when you aren’t stuffing those feelings down with obsessive thoughts about dieting or negative thoughts about failing at dieting. The “bottom-up” is the calories-in/calories-out aspect – the nuts and bolts, the daily details. In other words, the method by which you are going to plan and prepare the food and fit in the exercise that will keep you on goal. The bottom-up? Think moving your feet and filling your belly. Click here to get your FREE Gift and for more information.