Genealogy and Technology in a Post-RootsTech World

GeneaBloggers show

Summary: This week our show is entitled Genealogy and Technology In A Post RootsTech World with co-host Lisa Alzo, of The Accidental Genealogist blog. Our special guests will include:DearMYRTLE of who will give us a recap of last week’s RootsTech conference in Salt Lake City, Utah and fill us in on the latest and hottest genealogy technology news; George G. Morgan of Aha! Seminars, Inc. and The Genealogy Guys who will discuss his book How To Do Everything Genealogy, 3 Edition; and Brooke Schreier Ganz, genealogist, web developer and programmer and creator of LeafSeek, as well as a winner in the recent RootsTech Developer Challenge. And, as usual, you never know what other aspects of genealogy and family history will be covered at GeneaBloggers Radio so tune in! GeneaBloggers Radio is about the most fun you can have with your genealogy on a Friday night!