CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: As Jesse angrily stomped out of the room, a swear word exploded from his lips. "Jesse! Come back here!" Mom ordered. Jesse returned, gritted his teeth, and stared at the floor. "Did you say what I think you said?" asked Mom. Jesse didn't answer. "You know we don't tolerate swearing," said Mom sternly, "and you know the punishment for it." "But, Mom, I didn't mean to swear," Jesse pleaded. "All the guys at school say that word and . . . and it just slipped out. But I'll be more careful! It won't happen again. I'm sorry! Really I am!" Mom sighed and looked at him closely. "I believe you are," she decided. "Well . . . all right. We'll forget it this time." Later that evening, loud, angry words burst from Jesse's room. "How many times have I told you to stay out of my stuff?" he roared. As Mom started down the hall, she heard Tina's voice. "I just wanted to borrow a pencil," whimpered Tina. "I didn't mean to break anything. I'm sorry." "That's what you always say, but you don't leave my things alone. The only thing you're sorry about is that you got caught," scolded Jesse angrily. "You think I'll forget about it if you cry." He didn't see his mother come into the room, and he swore softly as he bent over to pick up a broken model plane. "Jesse!" At the sound of Mom's voice, Tina scooted out of the room, and Jesse jumped and dropped the model. "I'm afraid Tina isn't the only one who's sorry about getting caught," said Mom. "Didn't you tell me this afternoon you were sorry you swore and that you wouldn't do it again?" Jesse nodded slowly. "God says we are to repent when we sin and to turn from it," continued Mom. "True repentance is more than saying a couple of words. It's being truly sorry for what you've done and also making every effort to stop doing it." "I-I will, Mom. It's just that . . ." Jesse began, but Mom held up a hand. "We have no excuse to go on sinning," Mom said. "We need to depend on God for the power to stop." She shook her head as she added, "And we can't overlook your words this time." Jesse nodded. He knew he deserved the punishment that would come his way. How About You? Are you being truthful when you say you're sorry? Or do you sometimes say it simply to keep out of trouble? Pretending to be sorry might fool others for a while, but usually not for long. And it never fools God. Being truly sorry includes turning away from the thing you did wrong. If you know Jesus, you have God's power to help you each day. Today's Key Verse: Repent, and turn from all your transgressions. (Ezekiel 18:30) Today's Key Thought: Turn from sin