1-4-13: Maryland Morning with Sheilah Kast

WYPR: Maryland Morning with Sheilah Kast Podcast show

Summary: Today, on The Lines Between Us, we continue trying to understand economic inequality in the region with a look at the job market. What does "who you know" mean when you take race and class into account? First, Baltimore Sun columnist Lionel Foster with an essay on the lack of connections that keep many talented young black men from finding work. And, sociologist Deirdre Royster tells us what she found when she studied networking among white and among black vocational students in Baltimore looking for blue-collar work. Ann Hornaday of the Washington Post joins Jed Dietz of the Maryland Film Festival to discuss Quentin Tarantino's Django, Unchained, Kathryn Bigelow's Zero Dark Thirty, and Peter Jackson's The Hobbit.