Tie a Yellow Ribbon

CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: It seemed to Alex that every tree in town was decorated with a yellow ribbon. He knew they were put there to welcome servicemen home. "But why yellow ribbons?" he asked his mother. "Why not red, white, and blue ones?" "Well, there's an old story about it--actually, there are several different versions of the story," said Mom. "According to one, a young man--we'll call him Jim--committed some crime and went to prison far from his home. In those days, people couldn't travel as easily as we do now, so Jim's family was not able to visit him. After several years he was released, but he was afraid they would not want him back home. He sent a letter to his wife. 'I am so sorry for the way I behaved, and I'll understand if you never want to see me again,' Jim wrote, 'but I still love you very much. I've learned the bus route still goes right past our house, so next Friday I'll be on the four-thirty bus. If you can forgive me and want me to come home, tie a yellow ribbon around the trunk of the old oak tree out in front of the house. If it's there, I'll get off, but if it's not there, I'll stay on the bus and stay out of your life.'" "Wow!" exclaimed Alex. "I bet he was nervous when the bus got close to where he lived." "Yes, he was," said Mom. "He was very nervous. 'Sir,' he said to the man sitting next to him, 'will you do me a favor?' Jim told the man his story. 'I'm so afraid to look,' said Jim. 'Will you look for me and tell me if there's a yellow ribbon tied around that old oak tree?' "The man agreed, and as the bus rounded a curve, Jim buried his face in his hands while the man watched for the tree. Suddenly, the man grabbed Jim by the arm. 'Look!' he shouted. 'Look!' Jim looked. He saw a yellow ribbon around the tree trunk--and more yellow ribbons hanging from almost every branch! His wife and other family members stood in front of the tree, waving a big sign that said, 'Welcome Home, Jim! We love you!'" "Cool! That sounds kinda like the prodigal son story." Alex grinned. "Do you think his father put out a yellow ribbon, too?" Mom laughed. "I don't think so," she said, "but since the story became well-known, yellow ribbons have become the symbol that says, 'Welcome home!'" How About You? Are you a runaway? Perhaps you haven't run away from home, but have you tried to run away from God? Are you a Christian who is stubbornly doing things that don't please Him? God wants you to admit your sin and turn from it. The yellow ribbon story shows that the love of family is great. But the love of God is even greater! He wants to welcome you back into fellowship with Him. Today's Key Verse: I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, "Father, I have sinned." (Luke 15:18) Today's Key Thought: Return to the Lord