Show #010 – and Noteable Links From My PodCast Website

TDKtalks – Speaking Your Way to Better Leadership show

Summary: Before I write and record a <a title="All PodCast Episodes" href="" target="_blank">podcast episode</a>, I scour the internet, in some planned fashion. I come across some <a title="District 83 - India &amp; Sri Lanka" href="" target="_blank">interesting and valuable websites</a> for us <a style="text-decoration: none;" href=";q=Toastmasters&amp;partner=afa" target="scSearchLink">Toastmasters</a>. I bookmarked some of them on the<a title="Lisa B Marshall - Passionate About Communication" href="" target="_blank"> left hand side of my website</a>. Whenever I do have some spare time, I spend a few minutes within them. Some deal with Leadership. Others I began listening to just to improve my speaking by listening to others. Along the way, I even realized the content itself might give one ideas for their own speeches.<br> <a title="The Elders" href="" target="_blank">The Elders</a> is one on Leadership I came across. This group of select accomplished worldly leaders, go into countries long before conflicts escalate enough to have international media even bring us the story. They try to mediate the dispute and initiate an effort to a resolution. I found that inspiring as they do so on most of their personal funds. Talk about giving something back to society.<br> <a title="TED - Ideas Worth Spreading" href="" target="_blank">TED – Ideas Worth Spreading </a>–  is an US based series on <a style="text-decoration: none;" href=";q=YouTube&amp;partner=afa" target="scSearchLink">YouTube</a> which has phenomenal speakers delivering unbelievable speeches. There are some that I watch 2 or 3 times. If you want inspiration, education and even to be entertained, spend some time here. Many ideas to get us thinking and even get ideas for our own speeches.<br> <a title="Canadian Voices" href="" target="_blank">Canadian Voices </a>– The Candian equivalent of above. Haling from Vernon, British Columbia, it is the product of Kootenay Co-op Radio.<br> In this episode, I draw attention to these noteable links which I have discovered. I hilite VIEWPOINT from the September TOASTMASTER mag: The first official article from the incoming <a style="text-decoration: none;" href=";q=Toastmasters&amp;partner=afa" target="scSearchLink">Toastmasters</a> International President and the revelation of his Theme – I also give you my Tip of the Show.  In Of Worthy Mention, I Discuss a select article from the September TOASTMASTER magazine.<br> –<br> You will also like<br> <a title="Show #003 - Consider FreeToastHost &amp; Why" href="" target="_blank">Show #003 – Club Website – Consider FreeToastHost &amp; Why</a><br> or<br> <a title="Show #024 - Dawn of the INNERpreneur - The Video" href="" target="_blank">Show #024 – Dawn of the INNERpreneur – Video (Fast Load)</a><br> –<br>