My Dear, This is Not You!

Mooji Audio Podcast show

Summary: Mooji conveys to those gathered around how the 'I am the body' idea - this ego 'skin' - thins away and eventually disappears, just by being in Satsang and by questioning this assumption. In response to this, one seeker asks, 'When is one ready for this death of the ego? Is it a process, a destiny? It's not really in my hands." This is one way of looking at it, if the emphasis is placed on a 'happening'. "You are already This, the 'happening' is the recognition that you are This," Mooji says. "And if you say, 'there is nothing I can do about it', who speaks these words? This is my living question!" The seeker, through his own looking, makes a wonderful discovery that it is actually his conditioning that is speaking this, and that that is definitely not who he is. Mooji then assists the seeker to confirm and reconfirm his true position as the witness - not as what is being witnessed. This discovery is followed by huge relief and a profound recognition of what he has always been - a space that is completely untouched.