New Skin and New Habits

CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: "Grandma! Grandpa!" called Janie and Tyler as they ran outside to greet their grandparents, who had just pulled into the driveway. Grandma gave them each a big hug. "We missed you while you were on vacation!" she exclaimed. "Did you have a good trip?" "We sure did--and come see what we brought home," said Tyler. He and Janie led their grandparents into the family room. "Look," said Tyler, pointing to a covered glass bowl filled with living green plants. "Nice plants," Grandpa said. "Very nice." "Look again, Grandpa," suggested Janie. "Look right there." She pointed to a small branch resting on the bottom of the bowl. Grandpa looked where Janie pointed. "Oh, I see it now," said Grandpa. "It's a chameleon, isn't it?" "It looks almost like a little leaf," Grandma said in amazement. Janie grinned. "My Sunday school teacher says God gave chameleons camouflage uniforms so they can blend in with their surroundings." "Know what else we learned about them?" asked Tyler. "My science book says their skin doesn't grow like their bodies do. When they get too big for their skin, they begin shedding it. They get rid of the old stuff, and soon they have all new skin." "It's kind of like what we should do, too, isn't it?" observed Grandpa. Janie and Tyler stared. "How would we do that, Grandpa?" asked Tyler. Grandpa laughed. "I guess I was thinking out loud," he said. "Chameleons shed their skin, and we are to shed sinful things. The Bible gives a whole list of things we need to get rid of. A chameleon puts on new skin, and we are to put on new, godly characteristics. The Bible says we're to 'put off the old man' and 'put on the new man.'" "We learned about that in school, too," said Tyler. "In Sunday school." "Good for you!" approved Grandpa. "But . . . this old man's hungry. What's for lunch?" Laughing, they headed for the kitchen. How About You? Are you shedding sinful habits--things like complaining, telling so-called little white lies, or sneaking out of the house to avoid work? Are you putting on the characteristics that please God--things like kindness, cheerfulness, and especially love toward God and others? Reread today's Scripture passage. Ask God to help you put off the things listed there that displease Him and to put on those that are pleasing in His sight. Today's Key Verse: You have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge. (Colossians 3:9-10) Today's Key Thought: Shed old, bad habits