Ep. 24 – The Myth of Quick Fixes

Smarter Science of Slim vs. Calorie Myths with Jonathan Bailor » podcasts show

Summary: - How The Smarter Science of Slim is not about short term weight loss and because of that is not the right approach if your goal has to do with short term weight loss - How to think of your broken metabolism like a broken ankle…long-term healing is key - How we do different things to heal our body long term than we do to starve our body short term - How it takes time for our body to heal itself…but then it will be healed and you will be good for the rest of your life - The three ways to lose weight - How weight is demeaning and irrelevant - How you should measure your progress - How whatever we do to improve our health and fitness we have to keep doing or we will be worse off than when we started - A smarter and more dignifying way to think about weight - How eating less and exercising more is after a goal of emaciation…which is the last thing we should ever work towards