75. TRUCE your first stop to choosing toys

Raising Playful Tots |  Simple Parenting show

Summary: What if you there was a resource that helped you with your holiday gift buying that focused on play and not marketing? Written by Early childhood educators and parents and free. TRUCE have done exactly that and today's interview is all about media, marketing, holiday gift guides with  Dr Diane Levin Professor of Education at Wheelock College in Boston, author of  several books and hard working play activist and founder of CCFC and TRUCE Diane .E. Levin Listen:: Listen to this week’s show | subscribe through iTunes | on-the-go device Show notes:: We learn about TRUCE- teachers resisting unhealthy children's entertainment Toy and holiday guide { resource} how to counteract the  harmful impact of marketing and media on children with examples{ resource} how the guides help parents deal with extreme gender divisions, violence, sexualisation and remote controlness about using the guide as a starting point with parents/friends/family to help parents ways to spread the message about TRUCE the TOADY awards ( CCFC #27):: Einstein refund So sexy so soon toys Vote in the TOADY awards  Voting is open until November 28 and the winner will be announced on November 30 CCFC on Einstein refund recap Benefits of advocating The War Play Dilemma: What Every Parent And Teacher Needs to Know (Early Childhood Education Series (Teachers College Pr)) (Early Childhood Education (Teacher's College Pr)) :: So sexy so soon:: Beyond remote control childhood how Diane became passionate about play developing routines and rules around media banning music or books or certain media- Does it work? Just saying no won't solve the problem Shoebox gifts Toys, play and learning action guide Toy selection guide practical advice about protecting our children during this holiday season Microphone correction mentioned in the interview. Teaching gratitude to little ones Share:: If you enjoyed today’s show please tell your friends. Have your say:: “Like” us on Facebook Join in with the topic of the week from the Podcast Add an honest review on iTunes :)