87. How to teach children to share

Raising Playful Tots |  Simple Parenting show

Summary: Amanda Morgan joins the show today to talk about How to teach sharing to under 5 children in this  36 minute podcast. Come listen! Visit Amanda's   twitter :: facebook :: website Complete our survey Listen:: Listen to this week’s show | subscribe through iTunes | on-the-go device   Show notes:: We talk about and share ideas about How do we teach a child to share? What to do when friends are coming around and favourite objects? Proactive steps to encourage sharing the value of sportscasting the benefits and use of social scripts during playtime how to cope with sharing when you're out and about especially when they have different rules than you. why is sharing such a struggle? Why we need lots of playdates and struggles Some personal insights.. Book review of Parenting with positive guidance Have your say:: “Like” us on Facebook Join in with the topic of the week from the Podcast Add an honest review on iTunes :)