Greed or Incompetence Everywhe4re!

Europe Calling show

Summary: THE NHS has paid out £1.7BILLION over the last 14 years to patients maimed in botched ops, official figures reveal.Eight patients a week are left brain-damaged, blinded, or have a limb amputated due to errors in NHS treatment. At least 1,500 people have sued over a lost limb, 2,860 for brain damage and 809 over being blinded, official figures show. One comment on the website said, "maybe we should rename it the International Health Service...we seem to spend more on bloody foreigners getting treatment free and paying for immigrants to work in the service than anywhere else in the wonder we have have a national lottery.......when you go itno hospital if your number comes up they carry you out." UK POLICE spend just EIGHT MINUTES in every hour on frontline duties — despite a Government pledge to cut paperwork. New research shows they are out on patrol for only 11.8 per cent of their working day. On a typical 12-hour shift, an officer will spend just one hour and 25 minutes “visible and available” to the public. This prompted one comment from the website, "Just remember that the bobby writing up the paperwork that it is required by law in order to obtain a criminal conviction has to keep in mind that it may be used as evidence in a court. There it might be scrutinised word by word by the highly trained legal mind of a lawyer or QC, educated and now probably being paid for at public expense. COST-cutting minister Eric Pickles is under fire after his department, The Communities and Local Government office, blew £42,225 of taxpayers’ cash on snacks in just seven months. One comment on the website said, "snacks shd be paid out of salaries not expenses , no businesses paid for my snacks , even had pay from wages for coffee too , why do you fat barstards claim expenses for free food and drinks , other employess have pay from there wages / salaries , this is so wrong" FRAUD detectives were yesterday probing the secret world of the freemasons over the mysterious disappearance of £110,000 in funds. Horrified members of the society called in police after finding all its lodges in Essex were unable to pay their VAT bill. The meeting places are run from Colchester Masonic Hall — where books are feared to have been cooked for years.