#28 – Monday Night Brewing and alt-J

1 Beer 1 Song show

Summary: We visit Atlanta's own Monday Night Brewing and spend some time with the venerable Jonathan Baker discussing the finer points of recipe formulation, business modeling, and, obviously, Bryan Adams. We drink MNB's Fu Man Brew, a Belgian-style Wit. Before we started recording, Jonathan showed us around the new brewery, which they hope to bring online early in 2013. We are especially interested to see how the combination go-kart track / foam dance party room is going to work. (Following the visit to the brewery, we tacked on a 5-minute review of MNB's Drafty Kilt Scotch Ale. I'm telling you guys, the gifts just don't stop flowing over here. I hope you realize how good you have it.) We let Jonathan pick the song because we are gracious hosts, and that song is called 'Breezeblocks' off the debut album from alt-J called An Awesome Wave. This is not a song that Russ or I would have picked (mostly because of our mutual ignorance of the artist), which leads me to believe that we should have someone else pick the song for every episode. And the beer. And write a script. Now accepting applications for Programming Manager. This is not a ringing endorsement of the song, mind you, it has some nifty parts and it also has some cheezy parts. ANYWAY, listen to this crap. It's awesome. Also, longest episode to date. A note about the audio - the original levels were extremely low, so I ran the speaking portions through Levelator. The results are much better than the original, but there is some harshness in spots. SORRY. At least this isn't some deviation from our normally high audio standards, because it is literally different every time we record.