Myers Report

RadioTalk from The Radio Academy show

Summary: The Myers Report is the biggest news story this week and to discuss its implications, Trevor Dann is joined in the studio by Andy Parfitt (Controller of Radio 1, 1Xtra, Popular Music and Asian Network), Simon Cole (Chief Executive, UBC Media) and Paul Robinson (Media Consultant and Managing Director, Kids Co TV). Should Radio 1 and Radio 2 share premises? Is there a defence for the staffing levels at Newsbeat? What is quality? What are QRV, DQF and AI? What do Radio 1 talk about on their away days? What can be done to lighten the compliance load? How has Music policy developed at Radio 1? Are jobs now at risk? We’ve also got an exclusive interview with the man himself, Mr John Myers, to find out the background to the report and what he learnt during the process. Podcast produced by Heather Davies and recorded at Maple Street Studios.