TalkCast 71 – InkBot

Sci-Fi Saturday Night show

Summary: Glee Zombies! Still time to vote for Illustrator X at Talenthouse. Zombies on Glee. Thriller/Heads Will Roll Mashup. Bar Karma – What if Spider Robinson did TV? Tom Cruse lobbies for Mountains of Madness Nathan Fillion as the voice of Green Lantern, what will Ryan Reynolds do? Watson will kick Human Butt on Jeopardy. Was is “Series Fatigue” or poor execution that killed Star Trek: Enterprise? Will Lex be in the end of Smallville?  Oh yeah, somebody should care, right? After the spin of the Wheel of Cephalopods, Our guest Christian Rubiano talks about his Online Comic Showcase, Inkbot. Discussion ensues on digital delivery and format for the new twist on comic “books” and what it means for the future. To win a chance at some incredibly valuable prizes, post a comment on this  TalkCast and see what happens, we dare you!