Talkcast 92 – The League of Ordinary Gentlemen

Sci-Fi Saturday Night show

Summary: Our guests for the entire show are Matt Dursin, Clay N. Ferno & John Hunt from The League of Ordinary Gentlemen podcast. The League of Ordinary Gentlemen Avengers casting call draws thousands in Ohio. Spielberg plays the noob at ComiCon for The Adventures of Tintin. Torchwood gets a 21 share on the BBC. Disney’s first trailer for John Carter of Mars. The Internet replaces little girl’s stolen Tardis[Video]. 13th. Sookie Stackhouse novel to be the last. True Blood rocks the vamp house. Sean Bean in Snow White. Oz, the Great and Powerful. Ridiculous Emmy Nominations. A Game Of Thrones Shadows. Diablo Cody Rewrites Evil Dead. Fox buys RUST. Star Trek PADD official app creates iPad fact from science fiction.