Episode 22 – The Hellcats!

Gizmonic Institute Radio: Your MST3K Companion show

Summary: <a href="http://supertotallyawesome.com/episode-00-gizmonic-institutes-radio-pilot/girweb-3/" rel="attachment wp-att-1914"></a><br> Merry Kronmas! (and Happy Kronmas to our friends in the UK!) Do yourself a favor, go familiarize yourself with Mallory Keaton. I promise, it will help.<br> Not that she has anything to do with this week’s MST3K Episode S2E9 – The Hellcats. Joel and the bots riff on another biker movie in a string of biker movies (if you’re keeping track, 30% of this season’s MST3K movies so far have been bad biker movies). If you remember our episode about Sidehackers, you’ll be upset to know that The Hellcats shares more than just a flimsy premise and aesthetic. Yay. There are also A LOT of blue riffs this episode, so at least that’s something.<br> Back on earth it’s commercially the CRAZIEST time of the year – which means you should head over to <a title="SHIRTS! WE GOTS EM!" href="http://supertotallyawesome.spreadshirt.com/" target="_blank">our tshirt shop</a> and buy one of our new MST3K episode tees up for sale. Proceeds help go to support our show/pay for webspace and hosting, and generally just help us out a lot. Plus you get an AWESOME shirt out of the whole deal! Pretty sweet, eh?<br> As always we’re on <a title="Our Facebook page!" href="facebook.com/gizmonicinstitutesradio" target="_blank">facebook</a>, <a title="Our Twitter account!" href="twitter.com/MST3K_Podcast" target="_blank">twitter</a>, and <a title="LEAVE US A REVIEW!!!! Pretty please." href="http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/gizmonic-institutes-radio/id494483050" target="_blank">iTunes</a>, where you can bring us some Holiday cheer by leaving us an awesome review!<br>  <br> Thanks for listening!<br>  <br>