Listen to the 10th episode of the BC Podcast!

BC Podcast show

Summary: Meet BC Partner and creative director Dave Snowden, hear all about the great new features coming in our next system update, and don't forget our monthly HTML quiz! Don't miss out on our 10th episode - click the play button below to listen in. Listen to this month's podcast: Simply click the play button below to stream the podcast via your browser. player AudioPlayer.embed("player-aug11", {soundFile: "", noinfo: "yes" }); Alternatively, you can download the podcast in .mp3 format for offline listening. To subscribe and receive the BC Podcast each month, you can find us on the iTunes store here or by simply searching "BC Podcast" from iTunes. In August's episode: Get to know BC expert and Partner Dave Snowden Learn about his background and current work in progress Hear valuable advice for drawing inspiration as a creative director Read a great article written by Dave over at the BC Evangelist blog What's new in August 2011? Populate and update extended CRM forms via Web Forms Improved support workflows Ogone payment gateway A HTML brain-teaser - do you know the answer? Post it in the comments section and we'll reveal the correct answer in next month's episode. Related Links Listen to the full interview with Dave Snowden at the BC Evangelist Blog Learn more about the Ogone payment gateway