Downloading files in Safari on the iPad

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Summary: To download a file in Safari you will need a 3rd party application to download it to as well as unzip it if it is a zipped file, in this video I am using GoodReader for iPad by Good.iWare Ltd.. Simply click on the download link, wait for the file to download in Safari, once it has downloaded you will be prompted to choose to "Open In" or as seen in this video "Open in Good Reader". Please note that you must already have Good Reader open (or whatever application you are using), I have noticed that if you select an application that is not open in the dock Safari seems to crash, even though the application is not technically open as it is suspended in the dock, this still happens a lot, or at least it did for me when choosing Good Reader. Other applications may not have this problem though, maybe it was the file type? Either way, this is a quick tip to help those that may not have realized this was possible. Another thing to note is this does not work with torrents, and you can only open files that the 3rd party app you selected supports. Have a comment or question? Try me on Twitter @totalipad