The Addicted #147: Tales from the Dentist

The Addicted show

Summary: We're back after a bit of a hiatus due to Cypher's dental needs. We've got all the gory details and we talk about games! Merry fuckin' Christmas! YouTube: Audio: Subscribe: Addicted iTunes feed Feedburner Feedburner MP3 Find our friends: OotiniCast Bind on Equip Ctrl Alt WoW The Overlores Shattered Soulstone Intro Music: Quitters go to Meetings by our good friend DA Leary. This week: Cypher looses a tooth Hyp overshoots Movember but still tries to grow a beard. And We Hellos and RL: Cypher: Tooth Family Party The Slutcracker The Dark Tower Hypknotoad: Christmas card from Wemb and Temp. Still haven’t been back to WoW but don’t want to give up completly, maybe level a pandarian. Miss lots of people from vent. Flag problems in NI continue and even spawned a meme: Played lots of new games and trying to finish old ones. Lord of the Rings on hold. Back to the dark tower. Lots of SW:TOR Games: News: Cypher: Hypknotoad: XCOM Farcry 3 Halo 4 The Walking Dead Planetside 2 Corrections Box / Mailbox: Twitter: Hypknotoad Cypher The Addicted Paranoid Jason Etheridge ‏@jasonetheridge @TheAddictedCast Regarding LOTR singing: pretty sure I told you that Tolkien didn't come up with the melodies used. All original, it seems! Jason Etheridge ‏@jasonetheridge @TheAddictedCast Cy, your refusal to go along with the singing gambit was awesome, and perfectly in character (I'd have done the same). :) Jason Etheridge ‏@jasonetheridge @TheAddictedCast The voiceover that Cy added was genius. It would have been weird without it, definitely funnier with it. Jason Etheridge ‏@jasonetheridge @TheAddictedCast If Cy resubs (even for just a month) before 20 Dec, he'll get his complementary bundle of Cartel Coins. Jason Etheridge ‏@jasonetheridge @TheAddictedCast As a former subscriber, Cy would be Preferred status (forever) if he came back. Brandon L Starr ‏@BrandonLStarr @jasonetheridge @theaddictedcast When I read "The Hobbit" to my son I made up songs for the lyrics. Jason Etheridge ‏@jasonetheridge @cypher_x @TheAddictedCast Only if you'll be playing enough to justify it. I'm finding that Preferred status (which you are) pretty good! Brandon L Starr ‏@BrandonLStarr “@rbleamon: @TheAddictedCast the cast is up” And great as usual! The Big G ‏@GRAVENAU #FF @TheEscapistMag @TheAddictedCast @liquidwow@RealDeadpool @toddwomack @WoWcast @wowcynwise@altwowEU @wrenworkman @hypknotoad @Cadistra Michael Rambo ‏@Happytime83 Is it just me or does Andrew-Lee Potts look strangely like@hypknotoad in the show Alice. I demand answers!! @BindOnEquip@TheAddictedCast More people have said I look like Pete Doherty: And even more said like... the haribo kid!: Rick H ‏@Buggerwow @TheAddictedCast Ep 146: Arranging for all future shipping to go to N Ireland for the happy ending deliveries. Jason Etheridge ‏@jasonetheridge @thehatfield I wonder if @Hypknotoad has ever been to the@The_Hatfield? Maybe be just down the road, given he's in Belfast! Charles Hatfield ‏@thehatfield @hypknotoad @jasonetheridge @the_hatfield ah sweet! I'll have to let you know when I'm all booked. Looks like April. Facebook: The Addicted on Facebook In Game: Mail: iTunes Reviews: Our Weeks in WoW: Cypher: Hypknotoad: Our Weeks in TOR: Cypher: Hypknotoad: Entertainment: Movies: Cypher: Lorax- Sucked Hypknotoad: TV Shows: Cypher: Going Postal Neverland Finished Homeland season 1 Hypknotoad: Thanks for listening.