Show 60 – Introducing Infineta Hyper-Scale WAN Optimization

Packet Pushers Podcast show

Summary: Haseeb Budhani, VP of Products at Infineta, chats with Greg and Ethan to introduce Infineta's Data Mobility Switch (DMS) in this sponsored show. The DMS is the industry's first Hyper-scale WAN optimization solution that can fill WAN pipes as large as 10Gbps. Targeting customers who need to accelerate replication, backup traffic, Hadoop, and similar data sets between data centers, Infineta is offering a solution that (as far as the Packet Pushers know) no one else is offering at this time. What used to take an array of WAN accelerators can now be handled by a single piece of hardware at each DC. Infineta is focused solely on Hyper-scale WANs - data center to data center traffic. Infineta starts where other WAN optimization vendors leave off. The smallest Infineta box accelerates multiple Gigabits per second. Merchant silicon is used (as opposed to x86 architecture) to allow deduplication of data streams at speeds up to 10Gbps. We'll be publishing a deep-dive on the DMS in a later show, where we get nerdy about how the DMS does its magic. Links Data Mobility Switch (DMS) Overview @haseebbudhani