Show 63 – The First Shot of Strong Opinion

Packet Pushers Podcast show

Summary: First up, we talked about the how Packet Pushers is moving into some sponsored shows and contents. We are a community driven group so your feedback is important and valuable. The good news is that sponsorship will help to continue making content and doing cool things. The bad is that some advertising will appear. We hope to make a reasonable balance, keep it nerdy, a little bit fun and full of tough, good questions. Everyone has said a bit about the HP CEO getting the boot, and then putting some other person in charge. So we pretend to know something about what motivates managers for a while, then give up in frustration. As usual. Blogging at Packet Pushers - everyone is welcome to blog at Packet Pushers and contribute to community. Importantly, you precious writing will actually be read. Contact us We invited you to join us at the Applied OpenFlow Symposium, we will streaming the event live, and if you live near San Jose, you can come and join us - get your free ticket at Eventbrite to help us with numbers. James wrote to us and asked “Is there any mileage in a show discussing how different people go about building new skills, in particular when faced with a new subject, a new product or a new technology. Where do you start, what tools do you use to keep tech notes, bookmarks, documentation etc. How do you reinforce learning, build a lab and keep yourself from forgetting it all in three months.” And everyone had something to say. Not sure if it was helpful but we tried :). Our two cents worth. We had a short discussion about HP and their CEO troubles. The question is Do we care? But it's fun to prognosticate. We mentioned running computers in sheds and had good potential conversation. Cisco Announces Hyper-V and Nexus 1000. Omar Sultan has the details and links into the real information. And mentioned @beaker post on Flying Cars and Why The Hypervisor is a Lawnmower in Comparison The rest of the show will be up in the next couple of weeks.