DPP005: Kindle and PDF Publishing Mistakes, Selling Interviews, and 10 More Ideas

The Digital Publishing Podcast: Digital Publishing  | Internet Business  |  Self Publishing show

Summary: In this episode of the Digital Publishing Podcast (of which there is a full transcript below, as usual), I cover 12 different topics from mistakes ebook authors make to how to make money with interviews and a whole lot more! The podcast is on iTunes here. It would be awesome if you rated and reviewed the podcast in iTunes. Pretty please. If you’re using something other than iTunes, the podcast’s feed is http://thebacklight.com/feed/podcast/. You can also listen to the episode online by clicking the play button on the player right below this. (If you don’t see the player, click here.) It’s about 21 minutes long. Note that the podcast contains my pick for featured podcast and and digital publishing tool of the week, but I don’t include them in the transcript below. ---------- DPP005: Kindle and PDF Publishing Mistakes, Selling Interviews, and 10 More Ideas Welcome to episode 5 of the Digital Publishing Podcast, which you can find online at DigitalPublishingPodcast.com. I'm Tristan Higbee, recording today in sunny, warm, and pleasantly humid Cancun, Mexico. This show is all about things I see and would like to see in the world of digital publishing, from blogging and ebooks to membership sites and apps. Also covered are things related to internet business and online marketing. Stick around till the end of the podcast and I'll mention my picks for featured podcast and featured digital publishing tool of the week. This podcast is brand new in its current form and I'd really appreciate it if you went into iTunes and left a review. I've got 12 topics to talk about today, so let's get started. Topic #1: Niche app review blogs I think that a great idea for a blog is to talk about apps for a particular niche. Earlier today I tried looking for a blog all about business apps for iPhones but couldn't find one. I found lots of blog posts that regurgitated the same 15 apps over and over again, but I didn't see a blog dedicated wholly to the idea. And business is just one niche that I think an app-centric blog would be great for. A blog about travel apps would be great. So would a blog about apps for university students or doctors. Or maybe you could even have a blog about apps just for certain geographical areas, like San Francisco, New York, or London. You could monetize the site by being an affiliate for the iTunes store, though I don't think you'd make much that way. You could be an Amazon affiliate and sell accessories for iOS or Android devices. You could create and sell an ebook along the lines of "The 50 iPhone Apps Every Entrepreneur Needs." And if you have a blog that's all about apps for lawyers, for example, you could get advertisers who also have products or services that lawyers would be interested in. If you like blogging and like mobile apps, I think building a niche app review blog is a great idea. Topic #2: A newsletter rating and review site So I go to your website or blog. I like what I see and I notice that you have a newsletter opt-in form. You're tempting me with a free ebook that I'd like to read. But I don't have enough time to read the ebooks I already have, plus I don't want to get spammed by you three times a week and have my email address sold to Nigerian scammers. I decide it's not worth it end up closing the tab and checking Facebook instead. This is a scenario that has been played out millions of times online, but there is something that could lead to a happier, mutually-beneficial ending. Someone needs to create a newsletter rating and review site. Let's say I go to JohnsAwesomeBlog.com and see his newsletter signup form. I want to see if his ebook or course or whatever signup incentive he has is any good. And I want to know how often he sends out an email. So I go to, say, NewsletterReviews.net and search for John's Awesome Blog. I find it and see that people say that his ebook is great and he only sends out an email once a month, and he never sends affiliate links.