GeekNights 20121217 - Internet Governance

GeekNights show

Summary: Tonight on GeekNights, we consider a topic which should be much more boring than it is: the governance of the Internet, particularly in light of the US's recent refusal to sign a UN treaty related to it. Before that, Rym has further adventures in HVAC, Twitter opens up your tweet history, we lament the "web we lost" and what that really means (hint: an eventual move to a federated replacement for Twitter, or possible to a future G+), we consider the resurgence of an ancient argument about ad blocking (spoiler: if you give me data, I will do with it what I will), and we wonder on the idea that an API could be considered a National Treasure. Also, ConnectiCon 2013 Panel and Workshop submissions are live! And, we launched a new show! GeekNights Presents. And, we're going to MAGFest! And, you should spread the word on our video content if you want us to make more of it!