Guy Malone on

Curs-ed Net Breakthrough Radio show

Summary: We will be speaking with Guy Malone about a paranormal conference he just came back from ( where Guy was the last speaker, with the topic being "Evidences for a Spiritual View of the Phenomenon" or "Why Christian Fundies Think Aliens Are Really Demons!" Guy Malone began his ministry in the UFO field spurred by the mass-suicide of the Heaven's Gate UFO cult. He is best known as author of "Come Sail Away : UFO Phenomenon & The Bible" and - after moving to Roswell in 1999 - as co-founder (with Joe Jordan and Chris Ward) of Alien Resistance, an organization dedicated to offering Biblical perspectives on the UFO / Abduction phenomena. Malone has organized several successful conferences in Roswell which affirm the more credible aspects of UFO and abduction research, and investigates such reports from an evangelical perspective. In 2007 he served as conference co-ordinator for The City of Roswell's 60th Anniversary. Malone lives in Roswell New Mexico with his wife, and together they continue the work. This is his sixth UFO themed conference to produce, introducing attendees to the idea that the phenomena is spiritual in nature. This 2009 event is produced without "opposing" or "secular" views, and targeted primarily for the benefit of equipping the church for ministry to those whose belief systems are being drawn to New Age and/or UFO-themed religious views. (Nicole Malone could not make this episode)