Joe Jordan Testimonies-Segment 17 (Caleb)

Curs-ed Net Breakthrough Radio show

Summary: Experience Testimony of “Caleb” from Texas: I have had at least 4 (and maybe more) experiences with one that would fit a classic “alien abduction” scenario. Two, including the one just mentioned, I would rank as the absolute most terrifying experiences of my life and the most memorable – so memorable, in fact, that I have remembered nearly every detail for 30 years. The first, and as far as I know, more minor experiences I had were similar in that I recall hearing a loud buzzing sound and then being unable to move my entire body. In both instances I was on a bed and lying down alone. I know I was less than 12 years old and I don’t remember any other details beyond that. ...I lived for nearly 30 wondering what had happened and why it had happened to me. Then I started hearing and reading about people who had experienced “abduction” type events and many of these experiences sounded much like what had happened to me. So, I started researching to try and figure it all out. Since I was a Christian and could not dismiss the fact that I had been freed from these experiences in the name of Jesus Christ, I was cautious about the whole aliens from another world theory. I didn’t dismiss it though and was searching the Bible along with keeping up with what was happening in the UFO community. I was quickly being seduced by lying spirits – so much so that UFO related television, books, and news articles were all I really wanted to pay attention to. By the grace of God, however, I have been able to see that this entire scheme is a satanic plot. -Caleb