12/14 – No Regular Show This Week

Stories of the Magic show

Summary: No regular show this week, due to scheduling issues with interview guests. I expect to be back next week with Jennifer McGill. After her, I know I've got some Imaginners, as soon as we can coordinate our interviews, and I'm working on others from the Disney Cruise Line, the Disney parks, and more! If you'd like to help make sure there's a weekly show, and you've worked for the Walt Disney Company Company in any capacity and would like to share a positive story, email me at podcast@storiesofthemagic.com or call the Listener Feedback Line at (734) 23-STORY, any time 24-hours a day. Id love to hear (and share) your stories, and maybe even have you on as a guest! If you’re a Disney guest—of any Disney experience and had an encounter or interaction with a Cast Member that made some extra Disney Magic, or had any special Disney experience you want to share—like the many calls and emails you heard today—I’d love to hear from you, too! Email me or call the Listener Feedback Line and tell me about your experience! In fact, if you know someone who worked for Disney, tell them about the show or tell me how to get in touch with them and I'll try to get them on the show, too. Thanks for listening!