Warning Fic is NSFL: dragon ball bleeuuugh

Whachow! It's like a kick in the nuts! show

Summary: WARNING: THE FAN FIC IS NSFL. IT CONTAINS CORPSE FUCKING, MAGGOTS, BLOOD, PISS, SHIT, AND SHIT PISS. ALSO IT'S REALLY REALLY DUMB. X, Frob, ShadyVox, Cheru, Kirb, Niro, Dave, Gabby, Gina, Liz, That Sean, Trunks Whachow eBay Donation raised $355 Which helped Card Games for Charity raise over $15,000! Martin had his head shaved by Kyle Hebert Trunks’ Birthday Thing Cheru: I promote my gingerbread house contestttt? 8D New Dragon Ball Z Movie Fan Fiction Friday: Shadow the Hedgehog in "Death Cannot Separate Us"