Radio Lingua News Podcast

Coffee Break Spanish show

Summary: <p>Welcome to Radio Lingua News – in this podcast we’ll be updating listeners on the latest developments from Radio Lingua. Coming up on today’s show:</p> <ul> <li>Learning languages 140 characters at a time with TwitterLearn</li> <li>Introducing our Community Managers</li> <li>New features for Radio Lingua premium members</li> <li>Announcing our Summer Sale</li> <li>Updates on the latest shows</li> </ul> <p><b>TwitterLearn</b> It seems that in the past few months the entire world has started twittering, helped by the huge number of celebrities using the microblogging service. Some write it off as another banal social media fad, but here at Radio Lingua we’ve been using Twitter for many months to update listeners on the latest podcast episodes and other news from Radio Lingua. This summer, we’ve decided to take our twittering a stage further and we’ve designed a course in French, Italian and Spanish for beginners, delivered in daily tweets of 140 characters, and podcasts of 1 minute 40 seconds. You can...</p>