285 Podcast Answer Man – What Was I Thinking? How Essential Is It To Publish Every Week? Fan Podcast Thoughts & More

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Summary: What Was I Thinking That's the thought that came to mind as I was preparing the content to record this week's episode of Podcast Answer Man. The first half of this episode sounded more like an episode of Pursuing A Balanced Life as I shared a lot of thoughts off the top my head without giving any prior thought as to what I was going to say. A few hours after I had recorded, I was actually thinking about whether or not I should even release this as an episode of Podcast Answer Man. I happened to have a few people who were watching me as I live streamed the recording and so I reached out to one of these friends and asked them what they thought. In response, my dear friend, Lourdes Wellhaven from the Networker For Business Women Podcast, wrote the following. CLICK HERE FOR FULL SHOW NOTES