287 Podcast Answer Man – The New MySpace – Domain Extensions – Playing Audio of Video Podcasts in the Apple Podcasts App – And More!

gspn.tv - All Inclusive - Entire Network Feed show

Summary: First Impressions of the New MySpace In this week's Social Media Segment, Erik J. Fisher and I discuss our first impressions of the new MySpace. We both created profiles which you can find at http://new.myspace.com/gspn and http://new.myspace.com/erikjfisher (These links only work if you have access to the private beta at this time). We talk a little bit about what we think after seeing it after just one day. We also talked about the Instagram vs. Twitter situation that's been happening recently and the fact that Facebook is now changing the language on personal profiles from "subscribers" to "followers."   Personal Plug of The Week This weekís Personal Plug of the Week is for The Human Business Way podcast with Chris Brogan. I listened to three episodes: one with Christopher S. Penn, one with my good friend, Michael Hyatt, and one with Chris' mom and dad, Steve and Diane Brogan. My favorite episode of Chris' new show is the episode he did with his mom and dad. I absolutely love the fact that he published an unpolished interview with his parents; this adds to the flavor and personal touch that podcasting brings. I believe that one thing people really enjoy about the shows that I produce is that they have a personal touch and feel authentic, and it was great to experience that on Chris' podcast. Chris is not new to podcasting at all. In fact, together with Christopher S. Penn, he created PodCamp, the New Media UnConference. I also want to thank Chris for the awesome plug he gave me on his blog and on his mailing list. I encourage you to listen to Chris' podcast (you can catch it here or on iTunes), and if you like it, be sure to let him know you heard about him from the Podcast Answer Man.   Apple Podcasts App Tip For Video Podcasts A special thanks to John Bud who recently shared how he got a video podcast episode running in the background without the app up and running in the foreground. With what John shared I was able to immediately confirm the following: [CLICK HERE FOR FULL SHOW NOTES]