Confused by Conventional Wisdom - Jul 06,2011

Let Me Strive to Never Be Defined show

Summary: I am confused. Let me tell you where I am at now.. In all areas confused. Can't pick one tonight to zoom in on. Trying to decide to discuss things I know most about and am prepared to speak on. Or go with things I have no clue as to what I ams saying. My personal Journey for truth is the same as this podcast. I have trouble picking one thing and going with it (a horrible quality to have) anyways. Im confused more on some of these things htan others... school, "the family" political elite, who to trust, my faith, history of my life, where they miracles, religions and social structure, Basically how everyhting I used to believe could ever be on the edge of becoming right or wrong. keywords: Being Authentic.Tom Clark. Luke Muehlhauser. moarality without Religion. Christian Apologetics. Christopher Hitckens. Daniell Dunnets. Hebrews 8:4. Rob Bell "velvet Elvis". emotion driven thinking. religious conservative fundamentalist when its outside the establishment. what about htose within the establishment. The family. Whats the harm in someones belief system. Jeff Charlotte. David Quo. nartion prayer breakfast