WEDway Radio #065 - Disney Does a 360

WEDway Radio - Walt Disney World and Disneyland Examined with some Disney History show

Summary: In this episode, Matt and Nate discuss the evolution of one of Disney's original theme park attraction designs, the Circle Vision 360.  Although this attraction was based on a new style of film presentation, the Cinerama; this attraction was a Disney original and one of the few original attractions that is found in a Disey park today roughly unchanged.  This attaction was one of the few attractions that lasted from the early days of Disneylands Tomorrowland and was updated several time sover the years, eventually changing its name from Circlerama to Circle Vision 360, housing such filsm as America the Beautiful, American Journeys and a Tour of the West.  In Walt Disney World, this attraction became even more advanced as it truly became an immersive experience once the Timekeeper moved in 1994, bringing audio animatronics, special effects, theming and story to a whole new level in the Circle Vision 360 theater.  In Epcot, the countries of the World Showcase Pavilion probably give us the best example of Circle Vision 360's potential as we are given a 12 minute tour of Canada and China.  Enjoy!