Esoteric Wisdom, Divine Arcane Knowledge & Astrology- Risa D'Angeles

Awakenings  with  Michele Meiche -Spirituality & Metaphysics for Empowerment  show

Summary: Per Risa D'Angeles: Capricorn (practical) works through Saturn (on the personality and Soul levels) and Saturn (disciplinarian) helps us understand that time (dimension used in form and matter) is the means through which we achieve our life’s (purposeful, directed) work and also the medium through which we serve others (it is only through service, an aspect of the Soul, that the principle of abundance actually works)] Let us ask, “Are we using our currency of time (minutes, hours, days) with focused attention? Are we circulating our financial currency within our communities” and “How are we serving others’? Soon we must analyze what lies behind our money (where does it go, where does it come from?) and figure out how to maintain our present communities through our conscious financial structures – new structures that will navigate us toward a new financial future where sharing and serving predominate. from her website -LightNightNews Questions of a Soul Nature will be addressed & answered. This is an open dialogue where we want & welcome each person's wisdom, understanding, insight & journey on the path. This is a time to connect, express & share our life paths. We are all here to assist in the shift, transition & new world we are co-creating. :-)