A sad Love Story

The Boomy and Jegger Show show

Summary: :Show notes: (WARNING!: Boomy has a kid and she makes sounds, some of which could not be edited out lol Thanks for your patience..you know, real life and all.) 11/15/12 Segment I: (20 Min) Ø Welcome!!!! (Boomy) Introductions: SICK, then Kat Ø Finally: Episode 1: Thoughts, Feelings…about this new adventure. Ø How is everyone doing today? Ø What have you all been up to in WoW? Ø A little overview of MoP: Thoughts, reflections, Impressions (Lore, NPC’S, Quests, etc…) so far…what are we looking forward to? Segment II: Ø News: 5.1.5: (Boomy/Kat) Patch notes: What we’ll be getting with the new patch: (Kat, Boomy thoughts) what are we looking forward to in the up-coming patch. Ø Brawlers guild: (Boomy: Brawlers guild: Thoughts, negative and positive. ( Kat: Senerio’s and… Ø Darkmoon highlights: Hats and other shiny items (Kat) · Other news in notes: Cooking Bag. Mining · Older raids are now open : Raid groups are no longer necessary to enter pre-Mist