King of Earth and Moon: Chapter 12

King of Earth and Moon-a podcast novel show

Summary: Google doc of the text so far. Sato's bunker was totally, like, not a bunker at all.nbsp; Bunkers were bunkers, man, with ramparts and other defenses; this was just a studio apartment.nbsp; As the Kid surveyed the place and his eyes drifted over the piles of clothes, electronics, and empty beer cans, he thought studio was the wrong word.nbsp; Studio made it sound cool, like Sato was giving up his comfort for his art.nbsp; There was no art here, though, and there was definitely no organization; Sato was a slob. The Kid took off his shoes.nbsp; He'd heard you were supposed to do that type of thing in Japan, but, like, come on.nbsp; The Kid was into wearing his shoes, especially in dumps like this.nbsp; There was no telling what the Kid might step on.nbsp; This guy had, kind of, saved the Kid's life, though, and when, after the Kid's non-verbal cues that he wanted to keep his shoes on, Sato had just kept motioning for him to take his shoes off, the Kid had complied.nbsp; The Kid liked that word.nbsp; Comply.nbsp; Yes sir, I comply.nbsp; The Kid was into it.nbsp; The Kid was into his own vocabulary. nbsp;