Backyard Poultry with the Chicken Whisperer

Chicken Whisperer show

Summary: Episode 85. Today, I welcome City Chicks author, Pat Foreman to discuss chickens and composting. I will also welcome Wendy Thomas, the woman who is selling her first backyard egg for $729.94 on e-bay to "re-coop" her start up costs. It's going to be a GREAT show! Backyard Poultry with the Chicken Whisperer™ is a nationally broadcast radio show all about keeping backyard poultry and living a self-sufficient lifestyle. Each week the Chicken Whisperer™ welcomes special guests from all around the nation to talk about keeping backyard poultry, and living a more self-sufficient lifestyle. Guests include certified avian veterinarians, feed representatives, product representatives, FFA members, 4-H members, poultry club members, and the who's who in the backyard poultry industry. Show segments include Today’s Special Guest, Chicken Trivia Contest, Chickens in the News, Chicken Happenings, FFA Across the USA, and Self Sufficient Lifestyle. The show also frequently goes live to poultry shows all across the nation, and interviews show coordinators, show judges, and show participants.