Million Dollar Mindset Tapping with Marla Tabaka

EFT Radio  show

Summary: AMP UP YOUR VISION BOARD WITH EFT - This week we are going to discuss creating your vision/dream board and using it to its fullest potential. Yes, Law of Attraction is powerful, but what if you're negating your positive attraction power with negative thoughts? How can we use EFT to uncover those thoughts and lessen or erase them so they don't diminish your ability to attract your desires? What are the tips and tricks to getting your vision board to work for you? Find out during this show. Questions? You can send them to Marla in advance at, call in during the show, or join us in the chat room! Make sure to register with blogtalk before the show so you can chat with me and the others in the chat room! See you then! My mission is to help one million female business owners reach the million dollar mark. Are you next? Find out how you can work with me in one-to-one coaching/EFT sessions or in my powerful Million Dollar Mindset group program.